The Johnson Community Vacation Bible School for 2016 was held at Martin Luther Church from May 23 – 27th. Ninety-five children registered for the event that carried the theme of “Cave Quest”. The kids had fun concentrating on the daily themes:
Day One
Bible Point: Jesus gives us hope
Key Verse: “O Lord, you alone are my hope.” (Psalm 71:5)
Bible Story: the Prophets foretelling the light of the world. (John1:1-18 and Isaiah 9:2)
Sal the salamander was the featured Buddy of the Day
Day Two
Bible Point: Jesus gives us courage.
Key Verse: “Take courage. I am here.” (Matthew 14:27)
Bible Story: Jesus and Peter walking on water. (Matthew 14:22-36)
Mawtha the moth was the featured Buddy of the Day.
Day Three
Bible Point: Jesus gives us direction.
Key Verse: “He will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:6)
Bible Story: Jesus shedding light on how to live. (Matthew 5-7)
Radar the bat was the featured Buddy of the Day.
Day Four
Bible Point: Jesus gives us love.
Key verse: “We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us.” (1 John 3:16)
Bible Story: Jesus death and coming back to life. (Luke 23:1-24)
Olivia the owl was the featured Buddy of the Day.
Day Five
Bible Point: Jesus gives us his power.
Key verse: “Our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)
Bible Story: Jesus ascending into heaven and empowering his followers. (Acts 1:1-11)
Ray the glow worm was the Buddy of the Day.
Lively theme based songs began and ended the morning for the entire group. Dividing into smaller groups, the children ventured from several activities throughout the morning including Deep Bible Quest (the Lesson), Rock & Play Music, Imagination Station, Spelunker Sports and Games, Kid Cinema, and Cavern Café.
A program was held on Friday evening followed by a time for eats and games for the families that came to join the young ones. A big thank-you to the MLC coordinator, Kristine Meyer, and a VERY LARGE group of volunteers who pulled off this year’s successful Vacation Bible School!
Check out this video of Bible School Week filled with all the action and the songs of “Cave Quest”