Children’s Sunday School – Ages 3 thru 6th Grade.
Adult Bible Study Class – Led by Pastor Ken Tubbesing in the Parsonage
Holy Communion the 1st Sunday of Each Month
Contemporary Music Service the 1st and 3rd Sunday of Each Month
JOIN US FOR WORSHIP – You may worship with us in our sanctuary or watch on Facebook Live. Recordings of our services are also available on our website above.
SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT – The scripture readings are Malachi 3:1-7b, Psalm 66:1-9 and Philippians 1:2-11. The Gospel reading is Luke 3:1-14 (15-20).
PRAYER LIST – Connor Doeden, Rusty Welch, Angela Holthus, Marcille Bohling, Phyllis Rippe, Monique Grotrian, and Kerri Moerer.
COMMUNNION – Will be service December 15 and at Christmas Day service at 10:00 a.m. As a reminder, to be a voting member at Martin Luther Church, you must have record of communion twice and have record of giving offering once during the current calendar year. Please see a council member if you have questions.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM PRACTICES – Will be held on Sunday mornings at 8:45 for students in the play (grades 4-12). Preschool thru 3rd grade children may come at 9:00.
PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE – Meets at 9:30 a.m. on Monday mornings to pray for our members, our community, our Nation and the world. Please join us if your time allows.
CONFIRMATION CLASS – Will meet on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 at the parsonage.
FAMILY ADVENT DINNER – Will be held on Sunday, December 8, after worship. Chili and cheesy potato soup will be served along with delicious desserts. We will also be playing “Name that Tune” and maybe sing a few also. Please plan to attend and enjoy our church family dinner.
NEW MEMBERS – Pastor Ken will be starting a new members’ class soon. Let him know if you are interested in joining Martin Luther Church.
CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS NEEDED – Annual meeting time is coming up, and we need volunteers to run for Council. Please prayerfully consider serving our church in this way. Talk to any Council member if you are interested.
ALTAR GUILD – We are still looking for volunteers for Altar Guild. The open position can be shared; it is in charge of altar flowers and sanctuary decorations. Part of this job will be assigned to work groups, so please talk to Pam Hector or Becky Rippe if you are willing to volunteer.
PACKING BACKPACKS – Volunteers meet on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 at the Johnson Grocery to pack backpacks of food for children in need. Additional help is always welcome!
NOISY OFFERING – During the offering time each week, all the kids are invited to walk up to the front of the church and drop their coins into the “NOISY OFFERING” bowl. Cans are available at the back of the church to use to collect their offerings. The offering will be sent to different projects throughout the year.
OFFERINGS – Your tithing may be mailed to MLC, PO. Box 176, Johnson, NE 68378.
MLC FACEBOOK – You can also follow MLC on Facebook. Just “Like” our page and invite your friends to follow us.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. (Psalm 8:1)
God, we stand in awe of Your creation – singing birds, sparkling stars, artful webs spun by spiders, flowers bursting from buds to blossoms, trees changing colors and shedding their leaves, the moon – predictable yet ever-changing, sunrises, sunsets, and double rainbows. We marvel at babies that coo, the vitality of youth, the wisdom of the aged, the love of families, the concern of communities, the warmth of our church, the promise of our faith, the sacrifice of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, Your Grace.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. Amen.