On November 6, the labors of love made by the Sewing Group were displayed on the sanctuary pews for the worship service. Pastor Richard Reumann, our visiting pastor for the day, gave a prayer and blessing for the entire fall mission items made or collected.
The Sewing Group isn’t mighty in number but their hearts are big! They meet on Mondays for about eight months of the year to sew and tie the quilts. Materials for the quilts are largely donated by members and friends of the congregation. On November 7, the quilts were packed up and prepared for shipment to Lutheran World Relief and Orphan Grain Train.
Items for personal care kits and baby layettes were collected and prepared during the months of September and October. The bulk of the School Kits were made at our August Sunday School Kick-off and the remainder were finished up in October.
Items taken to the drop off point in Lincoln for Lutheran World Relief included 73 school kits, 50 personal care kits, 52 tied quilts, and 85 bars of soap.
Items taken to the Lincoln warehouse of the Orphan Grain Train included 20 school kits, 13 baby layettes, and 40 tied quilts.
Canned goods and paper products were also collected in October and delivered to the local food pantries in Tecumseh and Auburn. The annual sales of Watkins Products concluded November 6. Proceeds from these sales are also given to the local food pantries.
Martin Luther Church – sharing God’s love!!