Pastor’s Patter

Pastor’s Patter

How then shall we live? After Martin Luther had finished explaining a passage of scripture in a sermon or a lecture, he would ask this question: How then shall we live? Truth had been revealed to Luther’s parishioners or students. They had been enlightened, but the...
Pastor’s Patter

Pastor’s Patter

It was battered and scarred and the auctioneer thought it scarcely worth his while, to waste his time on the old violin, but he held it up with a smile. “What am I bid, good people,” he cried, “Who starts the bidding for me? One dollar? One dollar. Do I hear two? Two...
Pastor’s Patter

Pastor’s Patter

Some people go to the dump and return home with more stuff than they took in the first place. The following happened to one of those people. The incident occurred near Ichon, South Korea in July, 1953. An American soldier heard a noise in a pile of trash. Curious, he...
Pastor’s Patter

Pastor’s Patter

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 ESV) Some people carry burdens they don’t have to. If you are walking from the parking garage toward the airport terminal and a traveling companion offers to carry one of your...
Pastor’s Patter

Pastor’s Patter

Student to math teacher: That isn’t right! Teacher: What’s not right? Student: You said that X equals 4. Teacher: Yes, I did. So? Student: Well, yesterday you said that X equals 3. Somethings just don’t make sense. Here’s one that may not make sense to you. An angel...
Pastor’s Patter

Pastor’s Patter

“Ossie Davis was a big man, and kind; he taught Sunday School; he was gentle with children and courteous to strangers.” * The world remembers him best as an actor, and he was a fine actor. He was also a playwright, who wrote and acted in Purlie Victorious. That’s how...