Mission Projects at Martin Luther Church are off to a great start for the year. A large collection of food and paper items to replenish the Johnson County and Nemaha County food pantries after the holidays was gathered as our first project of the year.
Offerings from the Lenten Wednesday evening services were designated to be given to Project Response in Auburn, Nebraska.
The month of March was used to collect items needed to assemble Personal Care Kits. The items brought by MLC members included bath towels, washcloths, soap, combs, toothbrushes, and nail clippers. The smaller items are wrapped up into towel and tied into a roll. The total number of “rolls” or Personal Care Kits numbered 75 when we were finished.
During the month of April, MLC members brought items for Baby Care Kits which are also known as “Layettes”. Receiving blankets, diapers, baby wipes, pacifiers, onesies, sleepers, heavier blankets, and baby bottles were generously donated. A total of 46 Baby Care Kits were assembled at the end of the project.
There were also extra diapers and baby wipes which were taken to Project Response in Auburn.
The Personal Care Kits and the Baby Care Kits were taken to Orphan Grain Train. Orphan Grain Train provides relief for those in need worldwide. Follow Orphan Grain Train on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Orphan-Grain-Train-Inc-103809243041205/ or learn all about the organization at: http://www.ogt.org/
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. ~ Philippians 2:4