Current Mission Project - 2025 YEARLONG MISSION PROJECTS

Lutheran Bible Translators donations help extend the Bible to unreached people around the globe and may be given designated to LBT in the general offering. LBT is an NALC partner, currently working in 70+ language communities in Bible translation programs.

The Mission Team has also chosen PreBorn! as one of our year-long mission opportunities for 2025. PreBorn! leads and equips Pregnancy Clinics to reach abortion-minded women by sharing the gospel and saving babies from abortion in regions with the highest abortion rates. They provide all services for free to women who come to the Clinics. Pre-Born has demonstrated that after abortion-minded women see an ultrasound, the chances of them choosing to continue their pregnancy increases from 40% to 80%. All that PreBorn! does is motivated by a desire to see the gospel of Jesus Christ advanced and God glorified. 

Donations may be given in the offering plate indicating Lutheran Bible Translators or PreBorn on your check or offering envelope.

Noisy Offering

Each Sunday, the children collect “Noisy Offering” during the worship offering time. The collection of coins from churchgoers and the clinking sound made in the large metal bowl as the children drop what they’ve gathered bring smiles to both the children and the adults. This year the children of MLC Sunday School decided to begin sponsoring two children in need through the Compassion International Program with the funds collected thru the Noisy Offering.

Compassion International works in 25 countries around the world, partnering with local churches. At the Compassion Child Development Center ran by the local church and volunteers, a sponsored child is provided with Bible studies, health screenings, health and hygiene educations, games, community service opportunities, counseling, and school fees. The center staff will also provide meetings and parenting education for the parents or guardians of the sponsored child.  

Our Sunday School children are sponsoring Milkah from Kenya and Lawrence from Uganda.  They look forward to the relationship they will be building and the encouragement they provide Milkah and Lawrence who are half-way around the world!  The Sunday School children also remember Milkah and Lawrence in their prayers!

BackPack Program

MLC has been a long time supporter of the local BackPack programs at Johnson-Brock Public School and Johnson County Central School. The BackPack Program’s mission is to help alleviate child hunger in southeast Nebraska by providing hungry children with nutritious and easy to prepare food at times when other resources are not available, such as weekends and school vacations. Martin Luther Church regularly supports the BackPack Program at different times of the year by designated offerings, proceeds from our annual consignment sale, and special projects; as well as by members’ volunteer time.


The “Sewing Ladies” are another proud organization of the church. They meet weekly except during the summer to sew, tie and/or quilt pieces of fabric together into beautiful blankets that are then sent through Lutheran World Relief to people in need, to local charity organizations, and to local care homes. These past several years, the ladies have graced our young people graduating from high school with blankets to take with them wherever they may venture, remembering along the way the warm memories of growing up in the Martin Luther Church family.