JOIN US FOR WORSHIP!  SERVICES ARE HELD IN OUR SANCTUARY AND CAN BE VIEWED ON FACEBOOK LIVE.                                                                                                BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE AVAILABLE BELOW.


Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 9:00 A.M.

Children’s Sunday School – Ages 3 thru 6th Grade. 

Adult Bible Study Class – Led by Pastor Ken Tubbesing in the Parsonage

Worship Service – 10:00 A.M.

Holy Communion the 1st Sunday of Each Month

Contemporary Music Service the 1st and 3rd Sunday of Each Month



JOIN US FOR WORSHIP  –  You may worship with us in our sanctuary or watch on Facebook Live. Recordings of our services are also available on our website above.

TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY OF PENTECOST – The scripture readings are Amos 5:6-15, Psalm 90:12-17, and Hebrews 3:12-19. The Gospel reading is Mark 10:17-22.

PRAYER LIST – Connor Doeden, Rusty Welch, Angela Holthus, Marcille Bohling, Phyllis Rippe, Monique Grotrian, Eldon & Kay Ebeler, Jim Grotrian, Kerri Moerer and Vicki Antholz.

WOMEN’S GENERAL MEETING – Will be held on Sunday, October 13, at 8:30 a.m. in the church basement. A light breakfast will be served.

WEEKLY PRAYER GROUP – Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the lower level of our church building to pray for the world, the church, and persons in need of healing, comfort and encouragement. Please join us if your schedule allows. 

COUNCIL – Will meet Monday, October 14, at 7:00 p.m.

CONFIRMATION CLASS – Will meet on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 at the parsonage.

WATKINS SALES – The women are again holding a Watkins fundraiser. Catalogs and order forms are available for checkout in the narthex. All orders are due back to Becky Rippe by October 20.

SHOEBOX MISSION PROJECT – Our current mission focus is packing Operation Christmas Child boxes. Every box is an opportunity to reach a child with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Preprinted shoeboxes are available in the narthex. Fill it and when finished, PLEASE rubber band your box to keep it shut. Shipping is $10.00 per box. Last day to bring boxes to church is Sunday, November 17.

SHOEBOX MISSION PROJECT CASH DONATIONS – There are many ways to serve in the Shoebox Project. If you don’t care to pack a shoebox, consider helping by donating at the shipping box at the entry table.

THANK YOU – To Pam Hector for her years on Altar Guild as Flower Chairman. She will be retiring from this position at the end of the year. We are looking for someone or several people willing to share this position. Please contact Pam or Becky if you are interested.

ELECTION INITIATIVES – The North American Lutheran Church has, from its beginning, take a Pro-Life stand. There are two initiatives on the ballot to be considered on November 5. If you also want to protect the right of the yet-to-be born, you will want to vote FOR Initiative 434 and AGAINST Initiative 439. Copies of the initiatives are available on the table at the back of the church.

PACKING BACKPACKS – Volunteers meet on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 to pack backpacks at the Johnson Grocery. Additional help is always welcome!

OFFERINGS – Your tithing may be mailed to MLC, PO. Box 176, Johnson, NE 68378.

MLC FACEBOOK – You can also follow MLC on Facebook. Just “Like” our page and invite your friends to follow us.


Pastor's Patter

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. (Psalm 8:1)

        God, we stand in awe of Your creation – singing birds, sparkling stars, artful webs spun by spiders, flowers bursting from buds to blossoms, trees changing colors and shedding their leaves, the moon – predictable yet ever-changing, sunrises, sunsets, and double rainbows. We marvel at babies that coo, the vitality of youth, the wisdom of the aged, the love of families, the concern of communities, the warmth of our church, the promise of our faith, the sacrifice of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, Your Grace.

       O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. Amen.