Children’s Sunday School – Ages 3 thru 6th Grade.
Adult Bible Study Class – Led by Pastor Ken Tubbesing in the Parsonage
Holy Communion the 1st Sunday of Each Month
Contemporary Music Service the 1st and 3rd Sunday of Each Month
JOIN US FOR WORSHIP – You may worship with us in our sanctuary or watch on Facebook Live. Recordings of our services are also available on our website above.
FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT – Scripture readings are Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Psalm 91:1-13, and Romans 10:8-13. The Gospel reading is Luke 4:1-13.
PRAYER LIST – Connor Doeden, Rusty Welch, Angela Holthus, Marcille Bohling, Phyllis Rippe, Monique Grotrian, Beverly Beasterfield, and Sandra Kander.
PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE – Meets at 9:30 a.m. on Monday mornings to pray for our members, our community, our Nation and the world. Please join us if your time allows.
CONFIRMATION CLASS – Will meet on Wednesdays at 5:45 – 6:45 thru Lent.
CHOIR – All are welcome to join us as we get the choir going again this Spring. We will practice on Wednesday evenings following Lenten services.
LENTEN SERVICES – Will be held the following Wednesdays at 7:00. Fellowship will follow. The sermon topics will focus on five questions that appear between Mark 2:1 and 3:6. Wednesday 3/12 – Mark 2:7 – Who can forgive sins but God alone? Wednesday 3/19 – Mark 2:16 – Why does He eat with sinners and tax collectors? Wednesday 3/26 – Mark 2:18 – Why do your disciples do not fast? Wednesday 4/2 – Mark 2:24 – Why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath? Wednesday 4/9 – Mark 3:4 – Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill?
NALC DEVOTIONAL SERIES – Unfolding Victory: This Lenten-Easter devotional series will lead us through the unfolding victory of Christ over sin, death, and the grave. This year’s devotional was written by 34 NALC clergy and staff for each day from Ash Wednesday through the second Sunday of Easter. PDF copies of this devotional booklet are available for download and printing from the NALC website:
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Tabitha Circle and all women of the church are invited to bible study on Tuesday, March 11th, at 7:00 pm in the church basement. We are on Lesson 9 studying the books of Daniel and Esther.
NEW MEMBER RECEPTION – Will be held Sunday, March 16th, following worship.
MARCH MISSION – The Mission Committee is supporting Lutheran Family Services for the month of March. We will be collecting new cleaning supplies and children’s items. Lists are posted in the narthex or check out their wish list on Amazon:
WIF4C SPAGHETTI FEED The Walking In Faith 4 Christ Mission Team invites your congregation and the public to their annual fundraiser on Sunday, March 23, at the Johnson Legion Building from 11:00 to 1:00 which will benefit the Mission Team as they make plans to travel to Pewaukee, WI, this summer. They will be serving the people of that community with home repair projects while deepening their faith walk. Since 2010, the WIF4C Mission Team has partnered with GROUP WorkCamp, out of Loveland, CO, to give local youth the opportunity to go on a summer mission trip in the U.S. MLC youth attending include Brooklyn & Lauren Behrends, Ayla Eggers, and Delani Sharples.
SPRING CLEANING – Mark your calendars and please come help with spring church cleaning as your schedule permits on April 3-5. Watch the bulletin for more details.
SENIOR RECEPTION – We will honor our graduating seniors, Brooklyn Behrends and Austin Meyer, on Sunday, April 27.
VIDEO HELPERS – We are in need of more people to help with the video production for worship services. If this is something you could help with or you have questions about how to help, please contact a Council member.
FUNERAL LUNCH HELPERS – At the women’s annual meeting it was decided to have a list of women the work group chairmen can call if they are unable to get enough workers for a funeral out of their own group. You would remain in your assigned work group but could be asked to help another group if they are short on workers. Please contact Becky if you would like your name added to this list.
2025 YEARLONG MISSION PROJECTS – Lutheran Bible Translators donations help extend the Bible to unreached people around the globe and may be given designated to LBT in the general offering. LBT is an NALC partner, currently working in 70+ language communities in Bible translation programs.
The Mission Team has also chosen PreBorn! as one of our year-long mission opportunities for 2025. PreBorn! leads and equips Pregnancy Clinics to reach abortion-minded women by sharing the gospel and saving babies from abortion in regions with the highest abortion rates. They provide all services for free to women who come to the Clinics. Pre-Born has demonstrated that after abortion-minded women see an ultrasound, the chances of them choosing to continue their pregnancy increases from 40% to 80%. All that PreBorn! does is motivated by a desire to see the gospel of Jesus Christ advanced and God glorified. Donations may be given in the offering plate indicating PreBorn on your check or offering envelope.
PACKING BACKPACKS – Volunteers meet on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 at the Johnson Grocery to pack backpacks of food for children in need. Additional help is always welcome!
NOISY OFFERING – During the offering time each week, all the kids are invited to walk up to the front of the church and drop their coins into the “NOISY OFFERING” bowl. Cans are available at the back of the church to use to collect their offerings. The offering will be sent to different projects throughout the year.
OFFERINGS – Your tithing may be mailed to MLC, PO. Box 176, Johnson, NE 68378.
MLC FACEBOOK – You can also follow MLC on Facebook. Just “Like” our page and invite your friends to fo
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. (Psalm 8:1)
God, we stand in awe of Your creation – singing birds, sparkling stars, artful webs spun by spiders, flowers bursting from buds to blossoms, trees changing colors and shedding their leaves, the moon – predictable yet ever-changing, sunrises, sunsets, and double rainbows. We marvel at babies that coo, the vitality of youth, the wisdom of the aged, the love of families, the concern of communities, the warmth of our church, the promise of our faith, the sacrifice of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, Your Grace.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. Amen.